Are Your Making The Most of Your Donation Opportunity?
Do you want and need an accessible donation method that clearly illustrates your charity's message?
The NextGenDonate donation solution, powered by Sticky , is a brilliant way to engage with your donators, building stronger connections with your community with personalisation.
The versatile and simple nature of the Sticky makes them perfect for a dynamic donating experience that can be tailored to your charity’s specific needs.
Individually designed with your logo and eye-catching information, giving you the ability to transmit a clear message from your charity, augmenting your existing marketing and website.
With a self adhesive backing, they can attach to almost anything, from clothing to surfaces, creating endless opportunities for donation points with just a simple tap from your phone.
The compact size and ability to stick them anyway makes them perfect for events. With a simple, but unique design; the ability to have multiple donation points at any event means more donation opportunities for your charity.
Sticky can also be used just as effectively as a means of donating as they can be used to buy raffle tickets, with an easy to use, customizable interface that lets Stickys have many different purposes.
How about changing the donation button for ordering food and drink at an event …. and donate too. Easily done, with many more options available.
All these opportunities lead to a product that lets charities of any size to perform at a much higher standard than using capable using conventional donating methods.
Take a look at the NextGenDonate capability at