In 1597 Sir Francis Bacon said “knowledge itself is power” and into days world that has never been more appropriate or true.
In the world of individual donations there are multiple reasons to engage more closely with your donors. These reasons include;
- Understanding why someone supports your cause
- GiftAid, and it helps you as a Charity
- Helping supporters understand how regular donations are critical for the delivery of your services and the list goes on.
Critical to gathering this knowledge is engaging closely with an individual at the time of donation to help you understand more about the person to enable you to build a wider and deeper view of your supporter as well as personally thanking them for their generous gift.
Payment terminals are great for taking a payment, but don’t provide you with the richer and deeper insight of the individual for GIFT Aid or future marketing. The NextGenDonate solution, powered by provides you with the ability to develop a hybrid approach to point of contact giving. It enables you to take payments via a mobile phone which delivers a rich and rewarding user experience and offers the ability to capture that all important donor data.
In addition, using optional short forms and questionnaires to gather greater insight into your supporters can reveal transformational insights into your future donation strategy.
Integrating this data with your CRM for longer term deeper analysis provides you with the ability to develop multiple routes for engaging with your donors, from evolving individual donations to regular giving, engaging with supporters organising events or individuals taking part in activities. This information supports you developing and executing new and rewarding donation strategies that are ever more closely aligned with your supporters and delivering the services for your cause.